
Personal data and information privacy is a growing worry for consumers. Technology proliferation, the exponential growth of services and providers, plus neverending announcements of customer data exposure and breaches drives the opportunity to help  resecure privacy rights.  

Integrating Privacy Protect into your native UX returns control and security to your customers. With minimal information, we’ll demand erasure of the customer’s digital personal information & data footprints retained by providers. 

Customers regain security of their data and peace of mind. You build loyalty and revenue.

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Surface an intuitive, targeted call to action and value proposition in your existing customer journey. At the customers’ option, they identify specific Providers or enable a thorough sweep of email accounts to identify potential Provider risk. 

Simple API integration delivers the minimal data necessary to process requests. 

Customer’s digital footprints will be deleted and permissions to sell information  will be revoked at the Provider level.


Privacy Protect is a transformational concierge personal data security solution. Deliver peace of mind and you’ll transform from an advisor to a trusted advocate deepening your customer relationship.

Billed on a wholesale basis to Partners. Valuable enough to be a chargeable service, some Partners position the solution as an added benefit to core products.

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